Link to other UBL resources
Over the last years, having worked with UBL and e-fff, I've gathered some interesting links.
This is the official community gathering place and information for the OASIS UBL (ISO/IEC 19845) International Standard. UBL defines a royalty-free library of standard electronic XML business documents such as purchase orders and invoices.
A fairly technical place where you find the definition of the the ubl format.

Midran - Validex
The Validex open service is offered for free validations against selected public specifications, including:European eInvoicing standard EN16931, Syntax binding to UBL 2.1, Syntax binding to CII D16B, PEPPOL, all BIS specifications. You need to register to use the service
This is the first place I use when I want an "impartial judge" to look at the file to know if the ubl file is valid or not
Several important players in the sector of new technologies serving SMEs have decided to join forces formally through a working group. The result is the establishment of a non-profit association, UBL.BE, whose objective is to facilitate the use and transmission of electronic documents within SMEs and their trustees.
This initiative has been started by people needing to offer software that could generate and consume the electronic invoices, but striving to push openpeppol as much as possible.